Monday, March 27, 2006

With Apologies to Jane Smiley...

But "those of us who have been anti-Bush from day 1" would actually go back to March of 1999, when Dubya -- ever the delegator, it seems -- created his crack "exploratory commission" to decide whether he could bilk the media and the public into electing him and his cabal of cronies to the most powerful political office in the world. Shortly afterwards, he officially declared his candidacy.

Seven years later, and we're still having the debate as to whether this "incompentent," "stupid" "liar" and hopeless excuse for a leader deserves to be President of the -- potentially -- greatest nation on earth. It's a damnable embarrassment, any way you look at it.

At the time, as the primaries went into high gear, McCain was trying to fend off Bush for the GOP nomination. When the Washington state GOP primary took place, I (as an independant), went so far as to vote for McCain in the primary (and to encourage other independant friends to do so) as a miniscule attempt to tip the scales against Bush, before he was even nominated for the general election. [I'll discuss in a later post why I didn't vote for Gore, either, and why history has proven be correct to have done so.]

Maybe the more mild-mannered among you would be willing to go back to 3 August, 2000, when Bush formerly accepted the GOP nomination, and count from that day.

Either way, "day 1" should by no means be "defined as the day after the stolen 2000 election." That implies that your only reason for opposing Dubya, initially, was the 2000 election fiasco. Anyone with "knockin' about sense" as my dad would say, would have seen through the crap six and a half or seven years ago.

Other than that, Jane, you go girl. Show those Republicans and conservatives with half a brain left who's boss.


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