Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Weekly Cycle of My Broadcast Media Diet

Just because I'm curious, here's one weekly cycle of my Broadcast media diet, starting with Sunday evening.

General Daily Faire:

  1. NPR: Morning Edition, All Things Considered
  2. NPR: Afternoon talk shows (sometimes)
News Online:
  1. Anchorage Daily News
  2. Washington Post
  3. New York Times
  1. Billmon
  2. Atrios
  3. Talking Points Memo
  4. Daily Kos
  5. Digby
  6. Laura Rozen
  7. Fire Dog Lake
  1. NPR: Weekend Edition; This American Life
  2. NPR: Prairie Home Companion (sometimes)
  3. ABC/CBS/FOX: NFL Football (depending on schedule)
  4. PBS: Mystery! (sometimes)
  5. ABC: Grey's Anatomy
  1. ABC: Lost
  1. NBC: ER (sometimes)
  1. NPR: Weekend Edition; Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
  2. NPR: Prairie Home Companion (sometimes)
  3. Misc: Saturday night movie (sometimes)
  4. PBS: Mystery! (sometimes)

That's roughly all of it. Some of the radio listening depends on when I get up, when I go to sleep, and when I'm home (I don't listen at work/in the car/on headphones). The TV viewing likewise depends on when I'm home -- the only things I'l record are Grey's Anatomy and Lost (although this latter item is a special case, which I'll detail in another post).

If I had cable I'd watch the new Battlestar Galactica series. When it was on the air, I watched every episode of Firefly -- and recorded most of them, too.


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