A Weekly Cycle of My Broadcast Media Diet
Just because I'm curious, here's one weekly cycle of my Broadcast media diet, starting with Sunday evening.
General Daily Faire:
- NPR: Morning Edition, All Things Considered
- NPR: Afternoon talk shows (sometimes)
- Anchorage Daily News
- Washington Post
- New York Times
- Billmon
- Atrios
- Talking Points Memo
- Daily Kos
- Digby
- Laura Rozen
- Fire Dog Lake
- NPR: Weekend Edition; This American Life
- NPR: Prairie Home Companion (sometimes)
- ABC/CBS/FOX: NFL Football (depending on schedule)
- PBS: Mystery! (sometimes)
- ABC: Grey's Anatomy
- ABC: Lost
- NBC: ER (sometimes)
- NPR: Weekend Edition; Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
- NPR: Prairie Home Companion (sometimes)
- Misc: Saturday night movie (sometimes)
- PBS: Mystery! (sometimes)
That's roughly all of it. Some of the radio listening depends on when I get up, when I go to sleep, and when I'm home (I don't listen at work/in the car/on headphones). The TV viewing likewise depends on when I'm home -- the only things I'l record are Grey's Anatomy and Lost (although this latter item is a special case, which I'll detail in another post).
If I had cable I'd watch the new Battlestar Galactica series. When it was on the air, I watched every episode of Firefly -- and recorded most of them, too.